Why my blog is called Isaiah 41 verse 10

I was about 10 or 11.  I was staying with my parents who were missionaries in the kind of country where people don’t usually go for a relaxing holiday.  I never felt like I belonged anywhere.  Not in that culture, because I couldn’t speak the language, and I looked different and was foreign, and not at the boarding school for missionaries’ children, where the other kids often picked on me or disliked me. At an early age I had stopped believing in my mother’s love for me, and the lie that I was unloved was causing me to grow up crooked, like a tree that overcompensates for an early injury.

But I had heard that God loved me.  I also had heard that He would speak if one listened.  One day, when I was by myself in the room I shared with my sister, I took my Bible and sat on the bed, and asked Him if it was true.

“Is it true that you love me?  Do you care about me?”

I waited.  Then a verse reference popped into my head: one that I didn’t know.  I looked it up.

Isaiah 41 verse 10

So do not fear, for I am with you;

Do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you; 

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


Then I knew that it was true.  He does speak, and He does care, and He is not only the one true God, Creator of the universe, He is my God, the one who watches over me.  He is Love.

He has kept His promise to me.  With Him I am strong.  He is always with me, and He holds on to me.  I’ve wandered off the pathway lots of times, and got distracted, and disobeyed His instructions, but He has not given up on me, and He never will.  Some songs say, “I will never let you [Jesus] go.”  I always change the words when I’m singing to “You will never let me go,” because the truth is that we often let go, but He doesn’t.

I’ve found that if I hold onto His love, I can love other people, and not be afraid of them hurting me.  It’s hard to unlearn old habits of mistrust and criticism, but slowly He is making the change.  If I ask Him to show me how He sees a situation or a person, it’s like He changes the perspective, making clear what was blurry, changing the colours, and sometimes revealing details I did not notice before. 

Sometimes I look back and wish I had pursued Him earlier, when I knew this from an early age, but for a long time it was about following rules and being a ‘good Christian’.  I was too busy trying to fix everyone else, and swinging from self-hatred to pride and back again.  But they say that nothing is wasted with God, so I will trust that He is making something beautiful with the mess. 

27 thoughts on “Why my blog is called Isaiah 41 verse 10

  1. Jo, you are not going to believe this but Ron and all my friends will confirm that it is True, Something Beautiful was the first song that God gave me even knowing what a mess I would make in my journey to find Him and I was going to a Church at the time but I still messed up big time, below it a link to how He rescued me.

    Lost -http://freedomborn.wordpress.com/2013/05/25/jesus-rescued-his-lost-sheep/

    Thank you for sharing from your heart Jo and in such an honest open way, with my being Dyslectic I find it hard to write even personal letters but with Blogging and commenting on websites my words just flow although sometimes I do use the same content if God has already given His Truth to me in what is being shared but being a cracked vessel I make quiet a few spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes, thankfully many have over looked them, God is the Super glue.

    I hope Jo we will become really good friends, I can see God has brought us together and I’m thankful for what ever reason He has for doing this because I know it is always for Love, He can be no other way.

    Christian Love Always from both of us – Anne

    • Hi Anne, thank you for the link to your post. It is so encouraging to read about how God is transforming lives. He is so amazing.
      Your spelling errors etc don’t matter as it’s the heart that counts! Thanks for your comments and encouragement. I’m glad that song is special to you too (and it’s from Isaiah again).

      • Thank you for your understanding Jo, I have had a lot of rejection because of my disability but God has blessed me greatly because of it, yes it has caused learning and coordination problems so there are some things I cannot do and understanding Technology is very hard for me but I’m very thankful for it including Firefox’s spelling check. I’m also very creative as many with Dyslexia are and analytical, so we often can see outside the box .

        I believe all God’s Truth is very important for our Maturity and that is why Satan tries to weaken it with deception, such as The Trinity not being a reality which is believed by those in Cults and propagated by false or deceived teachers, They are called The Godhead in the Scriptures the Trinity being a modern word and meaning 3 in One. God The Father who is in Total Authority, Jesus His Son and The Holy Spirit are One and complete in Spirit but have different roles like in Marriage so do Men and woman but they are one in the flesh and in Christ Jesus in Spirit too with Him. There is much Scripture to confirm the reality of The Godhead, including in Isaiah.

        Jo just to save a search, where are the words of the song; Something beautiful in Isaiah?

        Christian Love Always – Anne

      • The part ‘he gave me beauty for ashes, the oil of joy instead of sadness etc’ is from Isaiah 61. Not sure if that is part of the original song or something that Steve Apirana added in his version. He’s a Kiwi singer/song writer who lives in Oz now.

  2. As a child I was told that my father didn’t want me – that he chose alcohol over me. “The lie that I was unloved was causing me to grow up crooked, like a tree that overcompensates for an early injury” as well. I have a history of countless boyfriends and three divorces to prove it…even though I “knew” Jesus through it all.

    Thankfully, He does not leave us like that, eh? Slowly, ever so slowly, he bent this crooked branch – and kept re-attaching it to the Vine. I would never have done so on my own.

    Isaiah is my all-time favorite book of the Bible, for when I was leaving for the women’s refuge – and in the months to follow – it was from Isaiah’s writings that the Lord spoke clearly to me in a way I’d never imagined possible.

    Thank you for following my blog. It sounds like there are some similarities, for I certainly resonate with your story.

    May the Lord bless your labor here, dear sister, and grant you a great harvest for your labor of love in His name.

    Love in Christ,
    Praising Jesus who made something beautiful of my life, too!

    • He is so good. He can do the impossible, even mend broken hearts and straighten bent branches. 🙂
      It was through reading the book of Isaiah that convinced me that Jesus is God, during the longest and most intense time of spiritual searching in my life. That led to understanding that Jesus is the Truth, and that if I just stick with Him, I’ll be ok. Everything else (including all the things Christians disagree about) is peripheral.

  3. Hi Jo, below is the original words for Something Beautiful
    but the words Steve Apirana added in his version fit in great, it is what happens after we take our mess to the cross.

    Something Beautiful

    Something beautiful, something good
    All my confusion He understood
    All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife
    But he made something beautiful of my life

    If there ever were dreams
    That were lofty and noble
    They were my dreams at the start
    And hope for life’s best were the hopes
    That I harbor down deep in my heart
    But my dreams turned to ashes
    And my castles all crumbled, my fortune turned to loss
    So I wrapped it all in the rags of life
    And laid it at the cross.

    Blessings – Anne

    • I’ve never seen those lyrics before – thanks for sharing them. When I was a child we sang the song in church but I think we only sang the first part.

  4. ps – I loved! loved! loved! your song here. Just loved it. I don’t usually like most christian songs, but this one is special. I’m going to go find some more by Steve Apirana.

  5. Isaiah41:10,

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you find much encouragement there, and maybe once in awhile, a grin or two to lighten your day.

    You are a wonderful writer.

    And I have to tell you that just before I opened up my e-mail to your “like” and your “follow,” I had rushed to my computer, here, from hearing a rather depressing statement by a radio preacher. (He tends to favor, I think, a “works oriented” Gospel, so I don’t listen to him very often lest I find myself back in Catholic grade school rummaging around my psyche for some metaphorical sackcloth and ashes to don for yet another transgression in “thought, word, and/or deed” so that I wouldn’t rack up another year or millenia in “purgatory”–how much was “owed” was never really clear in that system…). Phew! Okay, I’m back…

    I had just typed his opening statement for later treatment. It was his prayer to God: “What You (God) have to say to us in the Bible is more important than what we have to say to You in our songs and prayers.”

    I had just began fomenting my reply (in a good sense) by immediately recalling that no matter what my two little darlings committed as they learned their “Ps and Qs” as youngsters, my love for them was IMMENSELY larger than any transgression they came up with! And I LOVED listening to them from the moment they began gurgling their first words (which, miraculously, a mother just understands), to every time even now, when, as quite grown young women, they check in from their busy lives. My heart instantly warms at their voices, and I can’t get enough of whatever it is we chat about.

    So, the Holy Spirit really inspired me by your contribution, here, and affirmed His message of love for us, His own “Abba, Father’s” heart waiting for all we have to say to Him, no matter the deficits of our current “grace in progress” level of Christian maturity (or lack thereof).

    (Don’t you love how He knits His children together in His expansive love and inspiration?!. I hope “Pastor Angst” comes to understand this…)

    • Thank you for your lovely and encouraging comments! Yes, coming to know God as our loving Father changes everything. I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog and also hope to share it with a friend who is ex-Catholic.

  6. Thanks a lot for sharing your personal experiences of the Creator. I have long been convinced that personal experiences of/encounters with God is better than depending other people’s. Lets all crave for personal encounters.

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